• Irritech

    Besproeiing / Irrigation


  • About Our Company

    Irritech surveys, designs, and installs all types of irrigation, and prides itself on “smartest fit” solutions, which take into account the client’s particular circumstances. Our all-in solutions often take into account a client’s labour skills, transport costs, availability of spares, and other diverse factors that extend beyond the realm of traditional engineering. Coupled with this is our proven ability to work in remote and distant locations, employing the resourcefulness of our energised staff to maximum effect.

  • Irrigation

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    What is irrigation

    Irrigation is the method in which a controlled amount of water is supplied to plants at regular intervals for agriculture. It is used to assist in the growing of agricultural crops, maintenance of landscapes, and revegetation of disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of inadequate rainfall. Additionally, irrigation also has a few other uses in crop production, which include protecting plants against frost, suppressing weed growth in grain fields and preventing soil consolidation. In contrast, agriculture that relies only on direct rainfall is referred to as rain-fed or dry land farming.

    Irrigation systems are also used for dust suppression, disposal of sewage, and in mining. Irrigation is often studied together with drainage, which is the natural or artificial removal of surface and sub-surface water from a given area.

    Irrigation has been a central feature of agriculture for over 5,000 years and is the product of many cultures. Historically, it was the basis for economies and societies across the globe, from Asia to the Southwestern United States.

  • Products

    Drip irrigation

    It is getting increasingly more important than ever to use water resources wisely and to irrigate smartly. Drip irrigation is a technology widely used to apply water directly where it is needed leading to precise and efficient irrigation.

    This is primarily because, in contrast to other forms of irrigation like gravity or sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation is applied slowly and more precisely, with more water targeting the plant's root zone, and without regard to the presence of wind. This minimizes the use of water and integrates your crop, soil, nutrients, and water for best results.

    Drip Irrigation delivers water directly to the plant roots and avoids unnecessary wetting of plant leaves which conserves water by reducing evaporation and deep drainage, as well as water loss through wind. Many farmers who have chosen to use drip irrigation have enjoyed improved profitability through increasing crop yield and quality while reducing costs incurred from water, energy, labour, chemical inputs and water runoff.
    In addition, drip can eliminate many diseases that are spread through water contact with the foliage

    To avoid plugging the relatively small passages inside drip emitters the water is filtered thus removing minerals or organic materials from the irrigation water.
    Because water is applied directly to the root zone, an opportunity to apply nutrients and to fertigate is achieved.

    The advantages:

    • Water application efficiency.
    • Application rates are low so water may be fed to the crop or plant root zone in precise amounts
    • Moisture within the root zone can be maintained
    • Eliminates water loss from the wind
    • Usually lower operating pressure than other types of pressurised irrigation hence reduction in energy costs.
    • Soil erosion on sloping terrain prevented by Low application rates.
    • Levelling off of the field not critical.
    • Fertilizer/nutrient loss minimized due to root zone targeting
    • Possible to irrigate irregular fields.
    • High uniformity in the distribution of water due to controlled output of each nozzle.
    • Fertigation is achievable with this type of system

    *if designed, installed and managed correctly.

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    Micro Sprinklers

    Micro sprinklers (also known as: spray jets, micro sprayers, misters) are a cross between surface spray irrigation and drip irrigation and are rated by flow rate, wetting diameter or radius. Like drip emitters, they operate at low pressures but create a larger wetted area then drip irrigation.

    Micros are used when low volume overhead irrigation is desired, and for areas where drip emitters are not practical.

    The micro sprinklers and micro sprayers deliver water through micro tubing to a series of nozzles attached to risers, and have small to medium sized droplets with good uniformity of coverage and lower precipitation rate, allowing longer watering time with less runoff.

    Micro sprayers are used extensively in agriculture using one micro sprayer per tree and under the tree canopy. Micro-Spray Irrigation provides many of the same benefits as drip irrigation with a few exceptions.

  • Lawn Fertilizer

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    Garden Accessories

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  • Hunter Lawn Sprinklers

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  • For your Home & Garden

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  • Contact us

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    Email: info@irritech.co.za

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    Phone: 053 8312764

  • Where to find us